Xylitol: This sweetener, found in some candy and gum, can cause severe hypoglycemia in your dog and lead to liver problems.
Avocados: Contain persin, a toxin that causes vomiting and diarrhea.
Alcohol: Even small amounts of alcohol can cause breathing problems, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs, and in severe cases, can lead to coma or death.
Coffee, tea, chocolate: These products are extremely toxic to dogs.
It is important not to share just any food with your dog, as some are toxic to them. However, not all human foods should be avoided. Some natural products, such as adapted fruits and vegetables, can be beneficial for dogs, especially if you adopt a diet such as BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) for your dog. This diet consists of feeding your dog raw meat, organ meats, and meaty bones, accompanied by certain vegetables and fruits. However, it is essential to be well informed before incorporating these foods into your diet to ensure an appropriate nutritional balance.
Taking Your Puppy to the Dog Park
Dog parks may seem like a great place to socialize your pet, but they can be risky for young puppies. They are more fragile and can get sick or injured by larger, rougher dogs. Be careful and make sure your puppy is ready before taking him to such an environment.
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