12 Harmful Things You Do To Your Dog Without Realizing It


Not Protecting Your Dog in the Car
Just like we wear seat belts, it is crucial to protect your dog when traveling in the car. There are safety harnesses specifically designed for dogs, custom seat belts, and even secure carriers. Make sure you choose the most suitable device for your dog to protect him in the event of an accident.

Yelling at your dog
Yelling at your dog when he does something wrong is ineffective and counterproductive. Dogs don’t understand why they are being scolded, especially if it happens after the fact. Yelling will only stress your pet out and create confusion. Instead, use a positive training method to correct unwanted behaviors.

Neglecting antiparasitic treatments
Protecting your dog from parasites is essential. Natural antiparasitic products, specially designed for dogs, offer a safe alternative to chemical treatments. Available in the form of sprays, collars or powders, they effectively keep parasites away while being safe for your pet.

Leaving Dangerous Objects Lying Around
Your dog is naturally curious and loves to explore his environment, often chewing on anything he finds. Be sure to keep dangerous objects like medications, small coins, batteries, or even clothing like socks, which can be a choking hazard, out of reach.

Neglecting Breed-Specific Needs
Each dog breed has specific needs when it comes to care, exercise, and nutrition. Before adopting a dog, learn about its specific characteristics so that you can provide it with the best possible living conditions. A well-cared for dog is a happy dog.


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