8 Foods That Don’t Last Forever in the Freezer


Minced meats are more fragile and generally need to be consumed very quickly. Due to their preparation, steaks actually contain more air. This therefore promotes the development of bacteria that are in no way destroyed within these foods by the cold in the freezer. Once removed from the freezer, the bacteria are also revived by the thermal shock. For all these reasons and the rapid deterioration of minced meat, it can be stored in the freezer for about 4 months.

3) Fruits and vegetables


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They can be stored in the freezer for about 1 year if you have prepared them well for freezing. By preparation, we mean the entire process of blanching, cleaning, shelling, pre-cooking, draining and cleaning. It is also advisable to put them in airtight bags from which you have removed the air. Good packaging will prevent too much water from penetrating the food and creating frozen blocks that would harm the taste of the fruits and vegetables.

4) Bread continued
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Freezing it avoids waste. Be careful not to leave it in the freezer for more than four months, otherwise you will end up with bread that is really too soft, dry or crumbled. Depending on the quality of the baguette, it is preferable to consume it more quickly, but this must be seen on a case-by-case basis. Homemade or bakery bread can be kept for four months, while industrial bread should be consumed a maximum of one and a half months after freezing.

5) Dairy products

which will be more waterproof than a soft cheese. We advise you not to freeze for more than 4 months.

6) Fish


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Due to their texture and high water content, they freeze even less well than meat, and freezing greatly affects cooking. Fish flakes more easily after being frozen. Do not store your cod or salmon for more than 4 months.

7) Pie dough

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