Cycling For Half An Hour Every Day Will Have These 16 Effects On Your Body


Improves brain power
Studies show that regular cycling improves mental skills, thanks to the white matter of the brain, which connects various neuronal regions, thus improving their functioning.

Reduces Cancer Risk
Taking up physical activities like cycling can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. One study found that those who engaged in moderate to vigorous activity, such as cycling, at various times in their lives had a reduced risk of cancer compared to those who were more sedentary.

Promotes Better Sleep
Outdoor cycling exposes you to natural light, resetting your circadian rhythm and flushing out cortisol, the stress hormone that interferes with restful sleep. In one study, sedentary insomniacs who cycled for 20 to 30 minutes every other day cut their time to fall asleep in half and increased their sleep duration by an hour.

Boosts the immune system
Cycling boosts the immune system by increasing the production of immune cells and helping the body clear bacteria from the respiratory tract. One study showed that long-distance cyclists in their 80s had immune systems as robust as people in their 20s.

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