9 Killer Drugs That Should Be Urgently Withdrawn
Among the 77 suspect or dangerous drugs identified by AFSSAPS, here is the list of those which are most urgent to eradicate, established according to the Prescrire review and Professor Giroud.
– ACTOS (formerly AVANDIA)
Indications: treatment of type 2 diabetes, known as “fatty”
Adverse effects: macular edema, bone fractures in women, heart failure, increases the risk of heart attack (43%), anemia, weight gain, risk of bladder cancer. GSK, ordered to pay $3.5 billion in legal costs, has 13 ongoing trials concerning Avandia. Since then, only the name has changed.
Indications: restless legs syndrome, disturbed sleep
Adverse effects: nausea, impulsive behavior, increased libido, hallucinations, paranoia, syncope
Indications: muscle cramps
Side effects: heart rhythm disorders, decrease in platelet count, severe allergic reactions (15%)
– INTRINSA (testosterone patch)
Indications: decreased desire in women after removal of the ovaries and uterus
Side effects: virilization (increased hairiness, hoarse voice), acne, liver and cardiovascular disorders, weight gain
Indications: respiratory infections
Side effects: risk of worsening of myasthenia (muscle weakness), loss of consciousness, visual disturbances, heart rhythm disorders and liver damage
Indications: osteoarthritis and painful periods
Side effects: sometimes fatal liver disorders, fulminant hepatitis
Indications: dizziness, tinnitus, angina pectoris, visual field disorders
Side effects: tremors, gait and restless legs disorders, Parkinsonian syndromes
Indications: schizophrenia and bipolar disorders
Side effects: severe obesity, hyperglycemia, diabetes
Already prescribed to more than 20 million patients, this drug is by far the most profitable from the Ely Lilly laboratory. It is reimbursed at 65 while the box of 28 tablets costs 61.03 euros.
Indications: smoking cessation
Side effects: high blood pressure
To the diabetics who survived Avandia from the GSK lab
Yet another scandal (among others) with this dangerous drug that was finally not recommended for prescription (how nice!) on September 30th, even though it has been killing an average of 100 people per month through heart attacks and strokes for 10 years; so there are roughly 12,000 diabetics who have been definitively “cured” thanks to the good care of GSK. While we are still talking about the horror of the Twin Towers in New York that caused 3,000 deaths – 4 times less than with AVANDIA, here we trivialize and keep quiet: this is soft and silent terrorism!
See how diligently they rushed to protect us: a year ago, the New York Times already revealed confidential reports showing more than 500 attacks and 300 heart problems that could be avoided each month by withdrawing AVANDIA from the market. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report also concluded that “Avandia must be withdrawn from the market. Since 1999, dozens of independent scientific studies have reached the same conclusion. But GSK has responded with private studies (conducted by the company!) that “prove” the safety of its molecule. GSK has only been asked to provide new studies, not expected before… 2020! With GSK’s patent on Avandia expiring in 2012, the bulk of the commercial risk would have largely passed.
Here we always find the same scenario as in the scandals concerning NUJOL, LIPITOR, LYRICA, VIOXX, TAMIFLU, etc. This list has made it possible to review the main techniques of pharmaceutical companies, the most profitable mafia companies in the world, to sell their dangerous products at all costs.
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