Unexplained phenomena, including UFO sightings, have intrigued for decades. Some sightings defy known laws of physics, leading Dr. Ross to wonder if they could be manifestations of another plane of reality. He believes these phenomena could be clues to a parallel spiritual dimension, which would reinforce the idea of an afterlife.
Near-death experiences: mere hallucinations or real journeys?
The accounts of people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) are disturbing. Many describe leaving their bodies, witnessing their own resuscitation, or even meeting deceased relatives. The case of José Hernandez, a former atheist who claims to have seen his deceased father during his NDE, is a notable example. While some of these experiences can be explained by neurological mechanisms, others remain difficult to refute , including those studied by cardiologist Michael Sabom, a former skeptic who became convinced after years of research.
Prayer, a link between the worlds?
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