The trick to get rid of rats in the garden: This natural trick scares them away


Have you spotted rats in your garden? In addition to the fear and disgust that their presence provokes, these parasites can cause a lot of damage in your garden. Fortunately, there are 3 effective and natural solutions to keep them away from your outdoor spaces. We tell you everything.

Rats reproduce rapidly and can transmit serious diseases through their bodily fluids, which can endanger the health of you, your children, and your pets!

What attracts rats to a garden?
Did you know? Rats are omnivores. So they eat a bit of everything! And if they are attracted to your garden, it is mainly because they find plenty of food. This can be seeds, fruits and vegetables placed in specific corners of your outdoor space. What they eat depends in particular on what they find on the way. They can also feed on worms, small insects and small birds. Rats also find shelter in the garden to protect themselves from predators and bad weather.

Read also: Cockroaches never dare to enter your house again thanks to the food in the refrigerator.

How to eliminate rodents from your garden naturally and quickly? 3 techniques for rats, moles and mice
Signs that indicate the presence of these rodents include: gnaw marks, traces of urine or grease on the walls and droppings. If they have not yet established a nest in your garden, you must act quickly to make their environment less attractive. Here are some preventative techniques that you can use. It will work for sure!

1) To get rid of it, eliminate food sources: compost, seeds and nuts.
As you can see, the first thing that attracts rodents to the garden is food. Whether it’s plant waste, animal feed from the compost heap, seeds or flower bulbs, nothing should be available to them. Make sure to keep them away from fences and walls and use small quantities so as not to cause chaos. In addition, you can protect storage containers with tightly woven wire. If you also have fruit trees, you should collect everything that falls from your tree. By also removing all sources of water that can quench their thirst, rodents will no longer be able to approach your garden!

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