This turmeric anti-inflammatory paste will cure gum disease, swelling, and kill bacteria


More studies and uses of turmeric

Combats brain tumours
Helps to reduce risks and improve symptoms of prostate, skin, myeloma, leukaemia and metastases
May reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Increases eye health
Weight loss aid
Powerful antioxidant
Stimulates the body’s antioxidant enzymes
Natural analgesic
Detoxifies the liver
May benefit those who have Parkinson’s disease
May slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis
Increases levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)

Effective treatment for depression: increases expression of hippocampal BDNF
Reversing the effects of chronic stress
Improves sleep
Promotes weight gain in people with cachexia
Effective natural remedy for psoriasis
Helps to prevent certain stomach ulcers
Stops the growth of H. pylori, a bacterium often responsible for acid reflux
May help prevent cardiovascular disease
May reduce the risk of heart attack by 65% in some individuals
May relieve the symptoms of arthritis
Prevents platelets from clumping into blood clots
More ways to use turmeric

I use turmeric every day. Discover some of the amazing ways you can use turmeric to improve your overall appearance and well-being…


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