10 Tips to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones for Good


Tonsil stones are off-white debris found at the back of the throat. They usually cause minor difficulties such as: red, inflamed tonsils, painful swallowing, and bad breath.








In this article, we have decided to share with you some effective tips to eliminate them once and for all.

  1. Using cotton swabs


– You will need cotton swabs, water, a flashlight and a toothbrush.

– Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth and shine a light towards your throat.






– Stick your tongue out and say “Ahhh!” This should help push the tonsils forward so you can see them better.



– Put a little water on the cotton swab to make it softer.

– Press on the tonsil stone until it is dislocated and then gently remove it with the cotton.

– Be careful because bleeding may occur. If it does happen, you should minimize it, wounds can become infected with bacteria.






– Rinse your mouth with water to make sure you have gotten rid of all the tonsil stones.




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