The Animal You See First Reveals Your Anger Trigger


6. The Fox

If you have spotted the fox first, chances are you yourself are quite like the fox! A quick learner and someone who never stops moving, you really do not enjoy being around people who don’t quite get it as fast as you do. Repeating yourself is a massive trigger that makes you quite cross quite fast!

7. The Cat

If you spotted the cat first, you may be someone who seems shy and aloof. But, just because you are quiet, does not mean the former! You like to think before you speak and your biggest trigger is a loudmouth who can’t share the spotlight.

8. The Eagle

Just like the eagle, you have goals and high targets. This means that you have set very high expectations for both yourself and for those close to you. Therefore, your main trigger is people not meeting those very high expectations.

9. The Elephant

If you noticed the elephant first, you may be someone who people get the wrong impression about. People think you are rude or bossy and mean. This is not true, of course, and you have a kind and gentle nature. Your worst trigger is injustice and others being treated unfairly.

10. The Rabbit

If you have spotted the rabbit before any other animal, it is likely that you are someone with a lot of energy. You are the joker who loves to entertain. Your biggest trigger are people who complain a lot or who are constantly negative.

11. The Giraffe

You may be a very kind and gentle person by nature. You want others to give what you put out, and expect them to treat you as well as you do them. When someone fails to do so, you are triggered and angered by their lack of energy.


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