Four Chicken Parts Many People Still Enjoy Eating
Chicken is a versatile and widely enjoyed protein, but certain parts of the chicken may pose health risks if consumed frequently or improperly prepared. Here’s a closer look at four parts of the chicken that many people still eat:
1. Chicken Neck
The chicken neck is beloved by many for its crispy skin and tender meat. However, it’s important to know that the neck contains a concentration of lymph nodes, which are immune organs responsible for filtering toxins and bacteria in the chicken’s body. While it adds flavor, consuming the chicken neck may expose you to these toxins. To minimize risks, it’s advisable to limit the consumption of chicken necks or remove the skin when preparing it.
2. Chicken Tail
The chicken tail, known in some cultures as “phao câu,” is rich in fat and flavor, but it also contains oil glands that act as excretory organs for waste. Due to this, the tail is prone to bacterial infections, parasitic contamination, and accumulation of environmental toxins. Despite its rich taste, frequent consumption of the chicken tail may present health risks, so it’s best to consume it sparingly or avoid it altogether.
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