Spiders often evoke fear and disgust, and our first instinct is often to crush them or chase them away immediately. However, these little creatures play a crucial role in your home and in the balance of nature.
Instead of seeing them as intruders, find out why they deserve their place in our homes!
The Unsuspected Role of Spiders in the Home
They protect your home from pests
If you hate mosquitoes, flies or cockroaches , know that spiders are your best allies ! True natural predators , they regulate the population of unwanted insects that can transmit diseases or cause damage .
- They feed on invasive insects : mosquitoes, flies, fleas, cockroaches, etc.
- They reduce the need for pesticides : their presence limits the use of dangerous chemicals.
Did you know? A spider can capture its own weight in insects every day .
They are harmless to humans.
Contrary to popular belief, the majority of domestic spiders are not dangerous . They prefer to flee rather than attack and only bite if they feel in danger .
Bites are extremely rare and in most cases cause only mild, temporary irritation .
Only a few species, such as the black widow or the brown recluse, are potentially dangerous . However, they are very rare in France and avoid contact with humans .
They are evidence of a healthy environment
The presence of spiders in your home is a good indicator of the quality of your interior . They prefer places that are neither too humid nor too dry , where the air is relatively healthy .
Tip : If you can’t stand the sight of a spider in a room, gently capture it with a glass and release it in your garage, basement or attic rather than outside in the winter, where it may not survive .
They contribute to the balance of the ecosystem
Spiders are not just inhabitants of our homes : they play a key role in the food chain :
- They regulate insect populations leading to their uncontrolled proliferation.
- They themselves are a food source for some birds and small animals.
Without them, certain pests would multiply excessively, disrupting the natural balance.
They inspire science and medicine
Spiders fascinate researchers because they have unique characteristics that can be used in medicine and technology .
Spider venom is being studied for the development of new drugs , particularly against strokes and certain chronic pains .
Their ultra-resistant silk interests scientists to create ultra-flexible surgical threads or biomimetic materials .
So what should you do if you find a spider in your home?
see continuation on next page