You can use garlic as a substitute if you’re not a big fan of chili peppers. Garlic can help reduce inflammation caused by poor circulation in your veins. Many experts advise patients to at least include garlic in their daily diet if they can’t eat it. You can apply it topically if you’re still not used to eating garlic. Add a little alcohol and mince a few garlic cloves. Apply the solution four times a week to your veiny legs.
Apple cider vinegar
To reduce inflammation, you don’t have to consume apple cider vinegar. All you have to do is moisten a clean cloth or towel with the vinegar and place it on top of your varicose veins. Leave the cloth in place for a few minutes. You can also massage, but work from the bottom up. Make sure not to apply too much pressure when massaging the affected areas.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera has a cooling effect, which is known to relieve pain. However, the warm version can be used to treat varicose veins. Apply the gel to the veined areas and leave it on overnight.
Recipes for the treatment of varicose veins
You can also make your own recipe or you can follow these two recipes for the treatment of varicose veins:
1. Leafy Recipe: You need chamomile leaves, bay leaves, mint leaves, and two liters of water. Boil these ingredients briefly and let them steep for 5 minutes off the heat. After 5 minutes, the solution can be applied to your varicose veins. You can also place the solution in a bathtub or basin where you can easily soak your feet. If you add sodium bicarbonate, it becomes even more potent. Be warned, however, that this recipe may cause hives in some patients.
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