Do you have plants that turn yellow and rot? Don’t worry, because you can quickly reinvigorate them with this favorite tip from nursery experts . You will surely love it.
Why do plants with yellow leaves and dried flowers weaken?
If you are a green plant enthusiast, you should know that a host of factors can cause your plant to weaken . Starting with choosing an inappropriate pot . This can damage the roots of your plant and it will not grow properly. This is the case, for example, of the orchid, which needs a transparent pot instead of a plastic one to enjoy healthy growth.
When your plant turns yellow, it may be due to a lack of nutrients including minerals and vitamins. For example, vegetable crops need a good number of nutrients to improve their immune defenses. Although inorganic nutrients are very important in crop metabolism, organic nutrients constitute 90% of the dry part of plants.
For your plants to grow healthy and well , they need macronutrients and micronutrients. The latter are made up of enzymes and are usually in small quantities.
Additionally, your plants need manganese, iron, copper, molybdenum, chlorine, zinc and nickel. There are also basic nutrients such as nitrogen, calcium, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and carbon.
You should also know that if your plant becomes weak and yellows, it is because it has been attacked by insects such as mealybugs. These insects extract the sap from the plant to feed themselves. They produce a sugary substance called molasses.
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