A 3-Day Lymph Cleanse to Keep You Healthy All Year Round


Understanding how your lymphatic system supports all the other systems in the body—including the immune, digestive, detoxification, and nervous systems—can be an extremely beneficial and often overlooked component of true health. In fact, many experts believe that poor lymph health underlies a host of health problems, from cellulite to cancer.

lymph-cleansing3Much of the lymphatic tissue is associated with the gut (intestinal-associated lymphoid tissue). Lymphatic tissue is where most of your immunity begins, and because the gut is a primary entry point for harmful substances (bacteria, allergens, heavy metals, mold, fungi, chemicals, trans fats), your main lines of defense are in the gut.

Natural detoxification of the body has been practiced since Native Americans. And the use of sweat lodges and the Indian practice of Ayurveda goes back even further. Supporting your body’s natural ability to effectively detoxify every day not only helps maintain well-being, but it also helps prevent disease later in life. Cleansing the lymphatic system is recognized by physicians in Europe and the Far East for its importance in preventative health care.

3-Day Lymphatic Cleanse
Here’s a lymphatic cleanse I use for my clients. Of course, I suggest you talk to your doctor before implementing any new health regimen.

Note: You can continue the lymph cleanse for 3 additional days to complete this cleanse.

Where to start:
It’s important to eliminate all potential food allergens, including dairy, wheat, corn, soy, preservatives, and food additives.
Avoid all refined and processed foods and beverages. This means no bread, pasta, crackers, cereals, cookies, or anything with packaging and/or added sugar.
Eliminate trans fats found in margarine, baked goods, and commercial fast food items, such as French fries and doughnuts.
Limit coffee to breakfast, and especially not on an empty stomach because it will stress your body (especially the adrenal glands) during the cleanse. Avoid other stimulants as well, such as alcohol, soda, and tobacco.
Drink 6 to 8 glasses of pure, filtered water daily (room temperature or lukewarm).
Exercise, breathe, and get some sunshine every day.
For better lymphatic cleansing, get an herbal formula. One of my favorites is developed by ABC de la Nature. Suggested use is 1 gram 3 times a day. You can add it to filtered water, fresh fruit juice, or a smoothie.
Day 1:
Gather plenty of fresh, green, and organic vegetables if possible:

lymph cleansing

Green onions
Celery stalk
Mustard greens
Turnip greens
Red beets

continued on the next page

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