Natural Fertilizer Based on Onion Skins: An Ecological and Effective Method to Feed Our Plants


Natural Fertilizer Based on Onion Skins: An Ecological and Effective Method to Feed Our Plants


In a world where sustainability and environmental friendliness are becoming increasingly important, it is essential to explore gardening methods that not only promote plant growth, but are also kind to our planet. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is to use kitchen waste, such as onion skins, to create a natural fertilizer. This essay will take an in-depth look at how this fertilizer is made, its beneficial properties for plants, and the positive impact it can have on our environment.

I. The Method of Preparation of Onion Skin Fertilizer

Preparing onion skin fertilizer is a simple task that does not require sophisticated equipment. Here is a detailed overview of each step:

A. Ingredients

To prepare this fertilizer you will need the following:

  1. Onion skins  : About 50g of red onion skins or other types of onions.
  2. Water  : 2 liters of water.

B. Preparation Steps

  1. Preparation  : Start by gathering your onion skins and placing them in a saucepan.
  2. Adding Water  : Pour 2 liters of water over the onion skins in the saucepan.
  3. Boiling  : Bring the mixture to a boil. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for 7 to 8 minutes. This step helps extract the beneficial nutrients contained in the onion skins.
  4. Resting  : After simmering, remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into an airtight container. Let it sit in a cool, dark place overnight. This allows the nutrients to diffuse into the water.
  5. Straining  : The next day, strain the mixture to remove the onion skins. This will give you a nutrient-rich liquid.
  6. Usage  : Dilute this fertilizer with water before using it to water your plants. Weekly application is recommended for best results.

II. Properties of Onion Skin Fertilizer

Onion skin fertilizer is incredibly rich in essential nutrients that promote plant health. Here are some of its properties:

A. Nutrient Richness

Onion skins are a rich source of various nutrients:

  • Phosphorus  : Essential for photosynthesis and root development.
  • Copper  : Plays a key role in protein synthesis and contributes to plant resistance to disease.
  • Iron  : Essential for the production of chlorophyll, which is crucial for photosynthesis.
  • Magnesium  : Helps in the formation of chlorophyll and improves overall plant health.
  • Vitamins B, C and E  : Contribute to plant growth and resistance.
  • Carotene  : A natural antioxidant that helps protect plants from stress.

B. Beneficial Effects on Plant Growth

Regular use of this fertilizer promotes vigorous plant growth. The nutrients present in onion skins stimulate root development, improve flowering and increase disease resistance. In addition, this fertilizer helps create a more fertile and healthy soil.

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