Honey Lemon Chicken Fingers

Honey Lemon Chicken Fingers

Honey Lemon Chicken Fingers Chicken with Lemon, Honey and Thyme: A Simple and Gourmet Recipe 🍋🍯 Ingredients : 4 chicken nuggets 1 lemon 2 tablespoons of honey 1 tablespoon of soy sauce 1 branch of thyme 1 tablespoon of olive oil Salt and pepper…. Preparation: For Complete Cooking STEPS Please Head On Over To Next Page Or … Read more

Chicken Avocado Quesadillas

Chicken Avocado Quesadillas

Spicy, smokey, flavorful fajita chicken with caramelized bell peppers and onions. Add some fresh avocado, sour-cream, lime and cilantro and don’t forget the cheese. Place this mouth-watering mixture in a flour tortilla and pan sear just until the outside is crisp and the inside is gooey and melted. Who can say no to these quesadillas?! Ingredients … Read more

Chicken and Broccoli Baked Alfredo

Chicken and Broccoli Baked Alfredo

Prep Time: 15 mins | Total Time: 40 mins | Servings: 6 Ingredients: Contents hide 1 Ingredients: 2 Instructions: 1 pound rigatoni pasta 1 rotisserie chicken, meat shredded 2 cups of creamy Alfredo sauce 1 1/2 cups fresh broccoli florets 1 cup mozzarella cheese, freshly shredded 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese Salt and freshly ground … Read more

We no longer count the many virtues of white vinegar. Essential for degreasing or descaling appliances

We no longer count the many virtues of white vinegar. Essential for degreasing or descaling appliances

For a natural cleaning of the house and in particular of bathrooms, white vinegar is often recommended. To descale toilets, this is the star product to always have at hand. Here’s an unusual way to use it that will surprise you. Why wet toilet paper with white vinegar? The toilet paper and white vinegar trick can be a … Read more

Slow Cooker Swedish Meatballs

Slow Cooker Swedish Meatballs

Ingredients Contents hide 1 Ingredients 2 Instructions 3 Nutrition 26 ounces frozen meatballs, precooked 4 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups beef broth 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard dash allspice dash nutmeg salt and pepper to taste noodles for serving For Complete Cooking STEPS Please Head On … Read more

MC Toast maison : comment les rendre parfaits en quelques minutes!

MC Toast maison : comment les rendre parfaits en quelques minutes!

Si vous ĂŞtes fan du menu petit-dĂ©jeuner de McDonald’s, vous adorerez cette version maison de leur cĂ©lèbre McToast ! Ce dĂ©licieux sandwich pour le petit-dĂ©jeuner est facile Ă  prĂ©parer et parfait pour un petit-dĂ©jeuner rapide et copieux. Le McToast comprend un pain hamburger moelleux, du jambon et du fromage, qui sont ensuite grillĂ©s Ă  la … Read more

Crockpot pork tenderloin

Crockpot pork tenderloin

Ingredients Contents hide 1 Ingredients 2 Instructions 3 Notes 4 Nutrition 2 pork tenderloins about 1 pound each 1/2 cup beef broth 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper or to taste … Read more

Air Fryer Fried Chicken

Air Fryer Fried Chicken

Welcome to a mouthwatering journey into the world of Air Fryer Fried Chicken! This recipe offers a healthier twist on the classic fried chicken by using an air fryer to achieve that coveted crispy exterior and juicy interior. Perfect for a family dinner, picnic, or any gathering, this air fryer fried chicken is sure to … Read more