Adding olive oil to orange, our grandparents’ old remedy is back | Solves a very annoying problem!


We already know that extra virgin olive oil comes from a vegetable extract of the fruit of the olive tree: the olive. It is also known that its use is mainly culinary, but due to its immense healing and medicinal properties, it is also used to combat several very common diseases.

This “liquid gold” is used, among other things, to cleanse the stomach.

Olive oil and orange: 2 ingredients to take as is

Olive oil acts as a mild laxative, preventing and combating constipation and also has a laxative effect on an empty stomach. Olive oil has natural laxative properties and helps us to constantly cleanse the stomach and colon if we consume it moderately on an empty stomach.

Let’s not forget that olive oil contains a large amount of antioxidants, including hydroxycortisol, which also acts as an effective anticancer agent for the stomach and colon .

Olive oil reduces stomach acid , stimulates intestinal transit, promotes the absorption of nutrients and increases its anti-inflammatory properties, thus relieving even the symptoms of gastritis . Likewise, olive oil acts on the hepatobiliary system, which is directly linked to the digestive system.
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