Why is it essential to put your windows in winter mode since January 1st?


A tough time
When winter sets in, temperatures drop drastically. And this causes a lot of worry for millions of citizens.

But it is essential to know if winter mode on windows is a myth or if it is really useful to help you save on heating. And no need to specify that this will bring you various advantages.

In this way, we must understand that when the air becomes freezing outside, millions of citizens want to keep heat in their homes. And to do this, they turn on their heaters.
However, in homes that are considered thermal sieves, energy consumption can quickly climb. And this affects the electricity bill, which is not a good thing.

So, to remedy this element, many people want to know if the winter mode on the windows is a myth or if it is really effective in limiting the use of heating. And it is fundamental to understand everything about it to avoid unpleasant surprises.



Mode hiver sur les fenêtres : Mythe ou réalité pour économiser sur vos factures de chauffage ?

Is winter mode on windows effective for heating?
When the winter season appears in France, many people suffer from the cold. And faced with this, they do not hesitate to turn on their heating.

continued on next page


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