5 Stroke Warning Signs to Watch for in Young People


4- Sudden vision disturbances

Blurry vision, a feeling of seeing double, loss of sight in one eye… These symptoms are often overlooked, but they can signal a stroke. When blood flow to the brain’s visual centers is disrupted, perception can be impaired.

Don’t wait!
If your field of vision suddenly narrows or you experience blurred vision for no reason, consult a specialist immediately.

5- Loss of balance and coordination

Do you suddenly feel dizzy, as if you’re on a boat in a storm? A stroke can affect the cerebellum, the area of ​​the brain that manages coordination and balance. The result: difficulty walking, dizziness, or a sudden inability to perform simple movements.

A quick test:
Try touching your nose with your index finger with your eyes closed. If your gesture is clumsy or imprecise, this could be a warning sign.

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