Following excess food, pollution and exposure to different chemical substances, our body accumulates toxins that weaken it and hinder its proper functioning, thus promoting the appearance of many health problems. To restart the machine and give it a boost, here is a very effective natural recipe that has long been used in medical schools. It is now used by many doctors around the world.
Faced with the hectic lifestyle we lead today, it is sometimes difficult to adopt good habits. Stress dominates our daily lives, we do not eat healthily and balanced and do not sleep enough. Result: our body becomes weaker and unbalanced, the immune system weakens and we become more susceptible to contracting different diseases.
In order for the body to regain its balance, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle, which involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, restful sleep and better stress management.
It is also possible to boost the body’s functions and give it a boost with natural recipes. Here is one:
8 cloves of garlic
8 lemons
4 to 5 cm of fresh ginger root
4 liters of water
Start by peeling the previously washed ginger and garlic then cut them into small pieces or grate the ginger and chop the garlic. Then wash the lemons, preferably organic, and cut them into quarters without removing the peel. If you do not have organic lemons, immerse the ones you have in a basin of bicarbonate water and let them sit for a few minutes before rinsing them. This method eliminates pesticides. Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix.
Then fill a pot with water and add the prepared mixture and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, wait for it to cool, then strain and pour the liquid into glass bottles and place in the refrigerator. Drink a large glass every morning before having breakfast.
Do a three-week cure, which you can repeat twice a year.
Benefits of the recipe
This recipe is effective in boosting the immune system, fighting and preventing winter diseases, improving blood circulation, cleaning the arteries and reducing cholesterol levels. Its benefits are mainly due to the many properties of its ingredients.