Grilled lamp, do not waste money: the electrician’s technique to repair it in 1 minute


Several times, it may happen to end up with a toasted light bulb. This is a very common problem, but don’t worry because there is a cure for it. You will no longer call the electrician, but you will have him repaired in less than 60 seconds. You will save money and time: let’s find out more.

If you have a light bulb toasted at home, do not think about throwing it away or replacing it because you can repair it in just a few steps. In a minute you will have solved the problem with this method, incredible to believe, but it is true. Stop throwing money away, you can fix it with little. It’s a technique that electricians use, it’s really very simple: let’s find out how to do it.

Grilled lamp, that’s why it happens

The bulb may grill for various reasons. For example, if the voltage of the power supply to the house is too high. Avoid switching on and off your light bulbs too often during the day, as you may electrocute it.

This happens, even when a connection is not properly hooked to the socket of a light bulb, indeed, it is good to check whether everything is well welded, but think first of all that the current is disconnected, each electrical operation must be carried out safely.



Or, if you notice that the bulb suddenly went out and burned, it could be due to a short circuit. But why does this happen? It may happen that the electric current does not operate in its established path, consequently, a strong friction is created.

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