Scientist Reveals Five Clues He Says Prove There Is Life After Death


The idea of ​​life after death has always intrigued humanity. Is it just a myth or a reality? While there are many religious beliefs on the subject, some scientists, like Dr. Hugh Ross, believe that there are concrete clues to the existence of an afterlife. His approach, mixing physics and theology, offers five intriguing ideas that could well change our view of death and what comes after.

Does the universe have limits or a beyond?

We know that the universe is vast, but its exact extent remains unknown. For Dr. Ross, what we observe is  only a tiny part of a much larger whole.  According to the laws of general relativity, the universe must necessarily have a first cause, an external element that set it in motion. For him, this cause would be a transcendent entity, a  “Creator” existing outside of time and space.  If such a force exists, then  the idea of ​​a paradise becomes conceivable.

The Bible, a prophetic text?

Can the biblical writings be considered a  reliable source  on the afterlife? Dr. Ross thinks so. He says the Bible contains  surprisingly accurate descriptions  of scientific phenomena discovered much later, such as the Big Bang. For example, Isaiah 42:5 speaks  of an expanding universe, a central concept in modern cosmology.  If an ancient text could anticipate certain scientific discoveries, could it also contain  elements of truth  about the existence of heaven?

UFOs, proof of an invisible world?

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